
Affichage des articles du août, 2018

How to insert EXCEL data sheet into MYSQL database using PHP(xls,xlsx,csv)

We gonna insert EXCEL data Sheet (xls,xlsx,csv) into a MYSQL database using PHP Exemple: a) First :  We gonna use two columns : 1) name 2) email  in our excel sheet: b) Second:   We gonna create three columns(excel_id , excel_name , excel_email) in our MYSQL database : Why excel_id? : because we need a unique key to identifer every fields in the table c) Thrid:   This is the PHP script  that will allow us to take the data from the EXCEL sheet, means: name and email column and put it into the  MYSQL database. COPY AND PASTE this code into your console(NOTEPAD ++) URGENT: replace root with your user, replace test with your database's name, put your password between root and test if you have one.  <?php $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "test"); $output = ''; if(isset($_POST["import"])) {  $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["excel"]["name"]))...

How to verify which JAVA version is installed on PC

How to verify which JAVA version is installed on PC It's quite simple Step 1: Open CMD (Command PROMPT) Step  2: Tape this command JAVA --VERSION  ou JAVAC -VERSION                                            How to verify ifJAVA is installed on PC Step 1: Open  CMD (Command Prompt) Step 2: Tape this command: JAVAC

Comment verifier Version Java installer sur le PC(image)

Comment vérifier Version Java installer sur le PC Pour vérifier c'est très simple Etape 1: Ouvrez CMD (Command Prompt) Etape 2: Tapez cette commande: JAVA --VERSION  ou JAVAC -VERSION                                             Comment vérifier si Java est installer sur le PC Etape 1: Ouvrez CMD (Command Prompt) Etape 2: Tapez cette commande: JAVAC Si cela répond et qu'il y a plusieurs écriture qui apparaissent alors JAVA est installer sur la machine